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WL1T (Solo Weightshift)
WL1E (Solo Weightshift, electric)
WL2T (2 seat Weightshift)
WL2E (2 seat Weightshift, electric)
AL1T (Solo 3 Axis)
AL1E (Solo 3 Axis, electric)
AL2T (2 seat, 3 Axis)
AL2E (2 seat 3 Axis, electric)

PF1Tm (Solo, male)
PF1Tf (Solo, female)
PF1E (Solo, electric)
PF2T (2 Seat)
PF2E (2 Seat, electric)

PL1T (Wheels, Solo)
PL1E (Wheels, Solo, electric)
PL2T (Wheels, 2 seat)
PL2E (Wheels, 2 seat, electric)

Powered Hang gliders
WF1T (Solo)
WF1E (Solo, electric)
WF2T (2 Seat)
WF2E (2 Seat, electric)

Microlight Autogyros
GL1 (Solo)
GL2 (2 Seat)

WS1 (Solo Weightshift)
WS2 (2 seat Weightshift)
AS1 (Solo 3 Axis)
AS2 (2 seat, 3 Axis)

WM1 (Solo Weightshift)
WM2 (2 seat Weightshift)
AM1 (Solo 3 Axis)
AM2 (2 seat, 3 Axis)

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Site last updated by RMH
29 Jul 2024, 14:09

Records set by pilots from (GER)
This is the definitive list of UK records but the FAI website is the authority for World records.

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Superseded World record
WL2T Distance in a straight line
Performance 749 Km (405 Nm)
Date 21 Oct 2017
Pilot Hans - Ulrich Dörr (GER)
Aircraft _other Eagle V
Location Bremgarten (Germany) - Neubrandenburg (Germany)
Superseded World record
WL2T Distance in a straight line
Performance 589.3 Km (319 Nm)
Date 19 Aug 2009
Pilot Robert Mair (GER)
Co-pilot Werner Von ZEPPELIN
Aircraft Air Création IXESS
Engine _other Enduro Rotax 582
Location Altomünster (Germany) - Stade (Germany)
Current World record
AL2T Distance in a straight line
Performance 1033.16 Km (558 Nm)
Date 3 Sep 1999
Pilot Johannes Kessler (GER)
Co-pilot Margarete KRAWIEC
Aircraft Dynaero MCR 01 UL
Location Mainz Finthen (Germany) - Biarritz-Bayonne (France)
Min. 1043.49 Km (564 Nm) to beat this record.
Current World record
PF1E Distance in a straight line
Performance 60 Km (33 Nm)
Date 21 Aug 2010
Pilot Peter Schulz (GER)
Aircraft Swing Naja 21
Location Möckern (Germany)
Min. 60.6 Km (33 Nm) to beat this record.
Current World record
PF2E Distance in a straight line
Performance 17.2 Km (10 Nm)
Date 22 Aug 2010
Pilot Peter Schulz (GER)
Co-pilot Kathrin PINKPANK
Aircraft Swing Sting 250
Location Plötzin (Germany)
Min. 17.38 Km (10 Nm) to beat this record.
Current World record
PL1E Distance in a straight line
Performance 63.2 Km (35 Nm)
Date 12 Feb 2022
Pilot Daniel Tydecks (GER)
Aircraft Dudek Boson
Engine Mad Motors Mad M50C35 EEE
Location Niddatal Bönstadt (Germany) - Anzefahr (Germany)
Min. 63.84 Km (35 Nm) to beat this record.
Current World record
WL2T Distance in a straight line with limited fuel
Performance 144.82 Km (79 Nm)
Date 22 Jun 2003
Pilot Robert Mair (GER)
Co-pilot Dietmar SPEKKING
Aircraft Enduro Diesel
Location Vilshofen (Germany) - Altomünster (Germany)
Min. 146.28 Km (79 Nm) to beat this record.
Superseded World record
WL2T Distance in a straight line with limited fuel
Performance 125.9 Km (68 Nm)
Date 29 Aug 1999
Pilot Ernst A. Graf (GER)
Co-pilot Karin STEINHARD
Aircraft Air Création Enduro XP-15
Engine 1 Rotax 582
Location Deggendorf (Germany) - Altomünster (Germany)
Superseded World record
WL2T Distance in a closed circuit without landing
Performance 503.4 Km (272 Nm)
Date 29 Sep 1996
Pilot Robert Mair (GER)
Co-pilot Dietmar SPEKKING
Aircraft Enduro XP
Engine 1 Rotax 582
Location Griesau (Germany)
Superseded World record
AL2T Distance in a closed circuit without landing
Performance 514 Km (278 Nm)
Date 13 May 1998
Pilot Heinz Korella (GER)
Aircraft Ikarus Comco C-42
Engine 1 Rotax 912
Location Bremgarten (Germany) - Leutkirch (Germany) - Linkenheim (Germany) and return
Current World record
PF1Tm Distance in a closed circuit without landing
Performance 504.17 Km (273 Nm)
Date 2 Sep 2011
Pilot Peter Schulz (GER)
Aircraft Dudek Nucleon
Engine Simonini 122
Location Plötzin (Germany)
Min. 509.21 Km (275 Nm) to beat this record.
Superseded World record
PF1Tm Distance in a closed circuit without landing
Performance 343.6 Km (186 Nm)
Date 28 Sep 2009
Pilot Armin Appel (GER)
Aircraft Dudek ReAction 29
Engine Simonini 122
Location Winterlingen - Diemantstein - Oberthingau (Germany)
Current World record
PF2T Distance in a closed circuit without landing
Performance 184.5 Km (100 Nm)
Date 11 Sep 2010
Pilot Peter Schulz (GER)
Co-pilot Kathrin PINKPANK
Aircraft Swing Sting 250
Engine Simonini 122
Location Saarmund (Germany)
Min. 186.35 Km (101 Nm) to beat this record.
Current World record
PL1T Distance in a closed circuit without landing
Performance 303.3 Km (164 Nm)
Date 19 Jul 2020
Pilot Daniel Tydecks (GER)
Aircraft APCO F1
Engine Air Conception Tornado 280
Location Niddatal Bönstadt (Germany)
Min. 306.34 Km (166 Nm) to beat this record.
Current World record
PF1E Distance in a closed circuit without landing
Performance 30.4 Km (17 Nm)
Date 21 Aug 2010
Pilot Peter Schulz (GER)
Aircraft Swing Naja 21
Location Plötzin (Germany)
Min. 30.71 Km (17 Nm) to beat this record.
Current World record
AL1T Distance in a closed circuit without engine power
Performance 129 Km (70 Nm)
Date 1 Jun 2014
Pilot Georg Surkamp (GER)
Aircraft ProFe Banjo-MH
Engine Hirth F 33
Location Kerken - Dorsten am Kanal - Isselburug - Kerken (Germany)
Min. 130.29 Km (71 Nm) to beat this record.
Current World record
WL2T Distance in a closed circuit with limited fuel
Performance 126.8 Km (69 Nm)
Date 13 Jun 2003
Pilot Robert Mair (GER)
Co-pilot Ernst A. GRAF
Aircraft Enduro Diesel
Location Altomünster (Germany)
Min. 128.07 Km (70 Nm) to beat this record.
Superseded World record
WL2T Distance in a closed circuit with limited fuel
Performance 113.65 Km (62 Nm)
Date 29 Aug 1999
Pilot Ernst A. Graf (GER)
Co-pilot Karin STEINHARD
Aircraft Air Création Enduro XP-15
Engine 1 Rotax 582
Location Altomünster (Germany)
Superseded World record
WL2T Altitude
Performance 6245m (20486 Ft)
Date 23 May 1998
Pilot Robert Mair (GER)
Co-pilot Werner von ZEPPELIN
Aircraft Enduro XP
Engine 1 Rotax 582
Location Griesau (Germany)
Superseded World record
WL2T Time to climb to a height of 3000 m
Performance 0h 15m 7s
Date 17 Oct 1998
Pilot Robert Mair (GER)
Co-pilot Werner von ZEPPELIN
Aircraft Enduro XP
Engine 1 Rotax 582
Location Griesau (Germany)
Superseded World record
AL2T Speed over a straight course
Performance 265 Km/h (144 Kt)
Date 23 Aug 1999
Pilot Johannes Kessler (GER)
Co-pilot Margarete KRAWIEC
Aircraft Dynaero MCR 01 UL
Engine 1 Rotax 912
Location Osthofen - Freimersheim (Germany)
Superseded World record
PF2T Speed over a straight course
Performance 50.1 Km/h (28 Kt)
Date 8 Jul 2010
Pilot Peter Schulz (GER)
Co-pilot Kathrin PINKPANK
Aircraft Swing Sting 250
Engine Simonini 122
Location Plötzin (Germany)
Current World record
PL2T Speed over a straight course
Performance 79.6 Km/h (43 Kt)
Date 18 Sep 2008
Pilot Thomas Keller (GER)
Co-pilot Markus MÃœLLER
Aircraft Fresh Breeze Xwing
Engine Fresh Breeze Xcitor
Location Bissendorf (Germany)
Min. 80.41 Km/h (44 Kt) to beat this record.
Current World record
WL1T Speed over a closed circuit of 50 km
Performance 131.53 Km/h (72 Kt)
Date 24 Sep 2002
Pilot Helmut Großklaus (GER)
Aircraft Grossklaus Silent Racer 12
Engine 1 Hirth 2706 E
Location Geschendorf (Germany)
Min. 132.84 Km/h (72 Kt) to beat this record.
Superseded World record
WL1T Speed over a closed circuit of 50 km
Performance 121.47 Km/h (66 Kt)
Date 15 Aug 2000
Pilot Helmut Großklaus (GER)
Aircraft Silent Flyer UL
Location Geschendorf (Germany)
Superseded World record
WL2T Speed over a closed circuit of 50 km
Performance 132.9 Km/h (72 Kt)
Date 2 Oct 2002
Pilot Helmut Großklaus (GER)
Co-pilot Dalia ALEWI
Aircraft Grossklaus Silent Racer 12
Engine 1 Hirth 2706 E
Location Geschendorf (Germany)
Superseded World record
PF1Tm Speed over a closed circuit of 50 km
Performance 43.92 Km/h (24 Kt)
Date 4 Sep 2004
Pilot Thomas Keller (GER)
Aircraft Fresh Breeze Simo 122
Location Bissendorf (Germany)
Current World record
PF2T Speed over a closed circuit of 50 km
Performance 48.3 Km/h (27 Kt)
Date 26 May 2010
Pilot Peter Schulz (GER)
Co-pilot Kathrin PINKPANK
Aircraft Swing Sting 250
Engine Simonini 122
Location Plötzin (Germany)
Min. 48.79 Km/h (27 Kt) to beat this record.
Current World record
PL2T Speed over a closed circuit of 50 km
Performance 69.84 Km/h (38 Kt)
Date 9 Jun 2006
Pilot Thomas Keller (GER)
Co-pilot Markus MÃœLLER
Aircraft Fresh Breeze Xwing
Location Bissendorf (Germany)
Min. 70.55 Km/h (39 Kt) to beat this record.
Current World record
WL1T Speed over a closed circuit of 100 km
Performance 129.97 Km/h (71 Kt)
Date 21 Aug 2002
Pilot Helmut Großklaus (GER)
Aircraft Grossklaus Silent Racer 12
Engine 1 Hirth 2706 E
Location Geschendorf (Germany)
Min. 131.28 Km/h (71 Kt) to beat this record.
Superseded World record
AL2T Speed over a closed circuit of 100 km
Performance 176.42 Km/h (96 Kt)
Date 22 Nov 2000
Pilot Eckhard Buchner (GER)
Co-pilot Christiane FLEISCHER
Aircraft Flight Design CT
Engine 1 Rotax 912
Location Reinsdorf (Germany)
Superseded World record
AL2T Speed over a closed circuit of 100 km
Performance 172.34 Km/h (94 Kt)
Date 26 Jan 2000
Pilot Heinz Korella (GER)
Co-pilot Nicole GROEGER
Aircraft Ikarus Comco C-42
Engine 1 Rotax 912
Location Bremgarten - Lahr - Bremgarten (Germany)
Superseded World record
AL2T Speed over a closed circuit of 100 km
Performance 167.54 Km/h (91 Kt)
Date 10 May 1998
Pilot Heinz Korella (GER)
Aircraft Ikarus Comco C-42
Engine 1 Rotax 912
Location Bremgarten (Germany) - Lahr (Germany)
Current World record
PF2T Speed over a closed circuit of 100 km
Performance 51.9 Km/h (29 Kt)
Date 13 Jul 2010
Pilot Peter Schulz (GER)
Co-pilot Kathrin PINKPANK
Aircraft Swing Sting 250
Engine Simonini 122
Location Plötzin (Germany)
Min. 52.42 Km/h (29 Kt) to beat this record.
Current World record
PL2T Speed over a closed circuit of 100 km
Performance 75.23 Km/h (41 Kt)
Date 13 Sep 2007
Pilot Thomas Keller (GER)
Co-pilot Markus MÃœLLER
Aircraft Fresh Breeze Xwing
Engine Hirth 3503
Location Hannover Scherenbostel (Germany)
Min. 75.99 Km/h (42 Kt) to beat this record.
Superseded World record
WL1T Speed over a closed circuit of 500 km
Performance 94.62 Km/h (52 Kt)
Date 9 Aug 2000
Pilot Helmut Großklaus (GER)
Aircraft Silent Flyer UL
Location Geschendorf (Germany)
Superseded World record
WL1T Speed over a closed circuit of 500 km
Performance 83 Km/h (45 Kt)
Date 23 Aug 1997
Pilot Ernst A. Graf (GER)
Aircraft Air Création Enduro XP-15
Engine 1 Rotax 582
Location Griesau (Germany)
Superseded World record
WL2T Speed over a closed circuit of 500 km
Performance 92.99 Km/h (51 Kt)
Date 16 May 1999
Pilot Robert Mair (GER)
Co-pilot Werner von ZEPPELIN
Aircraft Enduro XP
Engine 1 Rotax 582
Location Griesau (Germany)
Superseded World record
WL2T Speed over a closed circuit of 500 km
Performance 82.08 Km/h (45 Kt)
Date 29 Sep 1996
Pilot Robert Mair (GER)
Co-pilot Dietmar SPEKKING
Aircraft Enduro XP
Engine 1 Rotax 582
Location Griesau (Germany)
Superseded World record
AL2T Speed over a closed circuit of 500 km
Performance 132.93 Km/h (72 Kt)
Date 13 May 1998
Pilot Heinz Korella (GER)
Aircraft Ikarus Comco C-42
Engine 1 Rotax 912
Location Bremgarten (Germany) - Leutkirch (Germany) - Linkenheim (Germany) and return
Current World record
PF1Tm Speed over a closed circuit of 500 km
Performance 52.08 Km/h (29 Kt)
Date 2 Sep 2011
Pilot Peter Schulz (GER)
Aircraft Dudek Nucleon
Engine Simonini 122
Location Plötzin (Germany)
Min. 52.61 Km/h (29 Kt) to beat this record.
World Records (GER): Current 19     Superseded 22
World records courtesy FAI. See the FAI website for the definitive list of World records, this listing last checked 27 Mar 2023.

This list does not include World record claims pending ratification.