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Last updated
30 Jul 2011 10:09 BST

RSS Feed

To keep up to date with news you can get an RSS feed which matches the Recent changes menu in the intranet. The URL is http://www.emc2010.org.uk/rc.xml. News items link directly to the actual item in the intranet.

Click on the link above and you will find a Subscribe button to get these messages via your browser or other applications.

Some mobile phones come pre-loaded with applications which will read RSS feeds for you but in many cases you will need to download and install an RSS feed reader on your mobile.

The easiest way to find an application for your phone is to search the internet for the term "RSS feed reader" and your phone or device type.

For example, if you have a Sony Ericsson try a search for RSS feed reader Sony Ericsson or for a Nokia try RSS feed reader Nokia.

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