Make a complaint


Class PF1 Task 10: Technical Complaint.
Submitted 8 Aug 2009 10:30 CET by Mark Ingham GBR

The British Team have noticed that the formulas on the spreadsheet for the slow/fast task do not take into account the penalised leg scores when computing the speed differences/ speed range.
Otherwise, for example, a pilot could get zero on the slow leg by "zig zagging" on purpose in order to win the 250 points speed range by a big margin and flattening everyone else`s score.
In the current state the spreadsheet looks like it would use their time as the slowest time.

We would appreciate it if you would look into this matter.


Director's response

Denied at 8 Aug 2009 12:03 CET

The scoring formula for this task has remained utterly unchanged since it was included in the 1997 WAG task catalogue by the French people who were going to run the competition, but backed out at the last minute. These rules went on to constitute the core of the rules you see today in FAI S10 and explains why you see things like nBp in formulas, which is an abbreviation of Nombre Balises Pilote.

I believe the WMC 2009 scoring system is calculating this task correctly as it is described in the task brief and the task catalogue.

All complaints
39. PF1 task 13 Denied
38. PF1 task 13 Denied
37. PF1 task 13 Denied
36. PF1 task 13 Denied
35. PF1 task 13 Denied
34. PF1 task 10 Denied
33. PF1 task 4 Denied
32. PF1 task 10 Denied
31. PF1 task 13 Accepted
30. PL1 task 12 Denied
29. PL2 task 9 Accepted
28. PL2 task 12 Accepted
27. PF1 task 12 Accepted
26. PF1 task 10 Accepted
25. PF1 task 9 Denied
24. PF1 task 9 Denied
23. PL1 task 8 Denied
22. PF1 task 8 Denied
21. PL2 task 7 Denied
20. PF1 task 8 Accepted
19. PF1 task 8 Accepted
18. PF1 task 6 Denied
17. PF1 task 9 Denied
16. PF1 task 6 Accepted
15. PF1 task 6 Accepted
14. PF1 task 6 Accepted
13. PF1 task 6 Accepted
12. PF1 task 5 Denied
11. PF1 task 6 Accepted
10. PF1 task 4 Accepted
9. PF1 task 4 Denied
8. PF1 task 4 Accepted
7. PF2 task 4 Accepted
6. PL1 task 4 Accepted
5. PF1 task 3 Accepted
4. PF1 task 2 Denied
3. PF1 task 1 Denied
2. PF1 task 99 Denied
1. PF1 task 99 Accepted

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