Make a complaint


Class PF1 Task 8: confusing description turn point 186
Submitted 5 Aug 2009 21:10 CET by Spanish team Ramón Lopez ESP

Competitor 6

5-8-09 20:59

Hello Richard!

Few pilots of diferent countries have confused the turn point 186 because the description is incorret, " Bridge over river" we have gone to the place to check the point, and it is a stream passing down the road trhough a tube, and just to a 500 metros there is a "bridge over river " so the pilots went to the bridge.
We hope you could considerate the misundestanding and give us a positive answer.

We have some photos of the place in case to wanted to check.

Ramón Lopez

Director's response

Denied at 6 Aug 2009 08:03 CET

The bridge in question was very clearly described in the task brief in a graphical form and is very distinct on the map and on the ground.

That competitor 6 chose to go to a different bridge was his choice.

All complaints
39. PF1 task 13 Denied
38. PF1 task 13 Denied
37. PF1 task 13 Denied
36. PF1 task 13 Denied
35. PF1 task 13 Denied
34. PF1 task 10 Denied
33. PF1 task 4 Denied
32. PF1 task 10 Denied
31. PF1 task 13 Accepted
30. PL1 task 12 Denied
29. PL2 task 9 Accepted
28. PL2 task 12 Accepted
27. PF1 task 12 Accepted
26. PF1 task 10 Accepted
25. PF1 task 9 Denied
24. PF1 task 9 Denied
23. PL1 task 8 Denied
22. PF1 task 8 Denied
21. PL2 task 7 Denied
20. PF1 task 8 Accepted
19. PF1 task 8 Accepted
18. PF1 task 6 Denied
17. PF1 task 9 Denied
16. PF1 task 6 Accepted
15. PF1 task 6 Accepted
14. PF1 task 6 Accepted
13. PF1 task 6 Accepted
12. PF1 task 5 Denied
11. PF1 task 6 Accepted
10. PF1 task 4 Accepted
9. PF1 task 4 Denied
8. PF1 task 4 Accepted
7. PF2 task 4 Accepted
6. PL1 task 4 Accepted
5. PF1 task 3 Accepted
4. PF1 task 2 Denied
3. PF1 task 1 Denied
2. PF1 task 99 Denied
1. PF1 task 99 Accepted

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