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A group mailing list for pilots, team leaders and other interested parties has been established at yahoo groups to discuss all issues relating to this championship.

This forum is for discussing all issues relating to the 2010 European Microlight Championships at Sywell aerodrome, Northampton, UK, 2 - 15 August 2010.

Pilots, team leaders and members of the organization are all invited to join in discussions here.

In particular, the championship director is planning to release all the task definitions in advance on the championship INTRANET mirror website and if there’s anything which is difficult to understand, confusing, missing, or just wrong, it can be resolved in this forum with everyone listening and the task can be amended to fix the problem.

Of course the ‘key’ elements will be missing so people can’t practise the tasks in advance, and timings, turnpoint locations and so on will be delivered on the intranet at a suitable time before the actual task briefing, but each ‘advance’ brief will otherwise be complete and will be the one the pilot uses to fly the task.

The objective is for task briefings to be as short as possible and for all questions to be answered here in advance.

Send an email to the following addresses for each service:

Subscribe:            emc2010-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Post message:      emc2010@yahoogroups.com  

Unsubscribe:         emc2010-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com   

List owner:            emc2010-owner@yahoogroups.com

Or go to the list in your browser at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emc2010/   

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RSS feed Page updated
27 Jul 2010 11:31 BST