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British team asked:

1. What are the dimensions of gates and turnpoints?

Answer- Gates are 250M either side of track (total 500m wide). Turnpoints are min 200M radius - but may be wider if feature has no easily defined centre - but will be notified if so.

2. Clarify 'approach between 500' and 1000' for last Km'?

Answer- old rule designed for manual spotting of wing numbers by ground observers. Not necessary now. however we advse not to fly below 500' AGL as this may result in infringemnt of rule 5 of the UK Air Navigation Order.

3. Will winner always get 1000 points for each task?

Answer- Depends on task and penalties applied.

4. Tasks 1.2 - will distance be scored in 50Km steps be out and back or just out?

Answer - Distance score accrues as total distance flown.

5. Task 2.2 - will ground speed sampling always be measured to include start gate or might it be sampled over a distance not including the start point.

Answer - Generally it will be measured as distance and time from an SP to a timing gate.

6. Does the engine have to remain running throughout the entire length of the 100M taxi lane (economy tasks)

Answer - Propellor must be turning leaving the taxi lane - by internal combustion - not electric starter!

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6 Aug 2010 21:12 BST