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Two weeks ago it was announced there will be an informal CIMA meeting here at Sywell on Thursday 12 August.

This meeting will take place as planned in the main briefing room on Thursday 12 August at 20:00

All CIMA delegates or alternate delegates are most welcome to attend. 

In addition, as this is an informal meeting, representatives from other nations are welcome in an observer capacity so they can report back to their CIMA delegate after the championship.


Item 1

The primary purpose of this meeting is to discuss the future of the World Paramotor Championship in 2011.

WPC 2011 is scheduled for Daejeon, Korea but because the site is so different to a normal one we all know it is important for there to be a practice competition at the same site before WPC, and one was promised at the last CIMA Plenary for October 2010.

The last news I had from Korea was in May, the organizer, Mr Seo, had been in a car crash and was recovering, and contained no plans for 2010 or 2011.

I sent an email to them on friday 30 July asking what is happening because the time has come that we must know as soon as possible. 

There has been no response. 

We must therefore consider the possibility of alternative venues for WPC 2011 with the view that someone will make a realistic bid to present to the CIMA Plenary in November.


Item 2

Delegates may wish to discuss ways of encouraging more pilots to compete in the AL1 and GL classes in which the participation this year has been disappointing.


Item 3

Any other business.


Richard Meredith-Hardy
CIMA President

RSS feed Page updated
11 Aug 2010 21:49 BST