European Microlight Championships 2000

Classic Classes
Reply to complaint about weight (4 Sep 00)
Task 1-2 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 1-2 Scores FSC (8 Sep 00)
Task 1-2 Scores FTS (8 Sep 00)
Task 1-2 Scores GYRO (8 Sep 00)
Task 1-2 Scores WSC (8 Sep 00)
Task 1-2 Scores WTS (8 Sep 00)
Task 2 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 3 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 3 Scores FSC (8 Sep 00)
Task 3 Scores FTS (8 Sep 00)
Task 3 Scores GYRO (8 Sep 00)
Task 3 Scores WSC (8 Sep 00)
Task 3 Scores WTS (8 Sep 00)
Task 4 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 4 Scores FSC (8 Sep 00)
Task 4 Scores FTS (8 Sep 00)
Task 4 Scores GYRO (8 Sep 00)
Task 4 Scores WSC (13 Oct 00)
Task 4 Scores WTS (13 Oct 00)
Task 5 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 5 Scores FSC (8 Sep 00)
Task 5 Scores FTS (8 Sep 00)
Task 5 Scores GYRO (8 Sep 00)
Task 5 Scores WSC (8 Sep 00)
Task 5 Scores WTS (8 Sep 00)
Totals FSC (8 Sep 00)
Totals FTS (8 Sep 00)
Totals Gyro (8 Sep 00)
Totals Team (8 Sep 00)
Totals WSC (8 Sep 00)
Totals WTS (8 Sep 00)

General Info
Classic Classes Task Catalogue (4 Sep 00)
Introduction (12 Jan 01)
Local regulations V4 (4 Sep 00)
PPG Task Catalogue (4 Sep 00)
Site Location (9 Jun 00)

MS Word files
Classic Classes Task Catalogue.doc(46k) (7 Jun 00)
Local regulations V4.doc(68k) (7 Jun 00)
PPG Task Catalogue.doc(202k) (7 Jun 00)

Entries (4 Sep 00)
RMH Conclusion a personal view (12 Jan 01)
Task 1 Scores (4 Sep 00)
Task 10 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 10 Scores (4 Sep 00)
Task 10 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Task 11 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 11 Scores (4 Sep 00)
Task 11 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Task 12 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 12 Summary (12 Jan 01)
Task 2 Scores (4 Sep 00)
Task 3 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 3 Cancelled (4 Sep 00)
Task 3 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Task 4 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 4 Scores (4 Sep 00)
Task 4 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Task 5 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 5 Scores (4 Sep 00)
Task 5 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Task 6 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 6 Cancelled (4 Sep 00)
Task 6 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Task 7 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 7 Scores (4 Sep 00)
Task 7 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Task 8 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 8 Scores (4 Sep 00)
Task 8 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Task 9 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Task 9 Scores (4 Sep 00)
Task 9 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Tasks 1-2 Brief (4 Sep 00)
Tasks 1-2 Summary (4 Sep 00)
Totals PPG team (4 Sep 00)
Totals PPG (4 Sep 00)

Contact RMH

PPG: Task 10 Brief
Updated 4 Sep 2000 Thursday 24 th

Thursday 24 th






Objective :

To fly a course between 6 turn points, in a minimum of time.

The pilot, after having taken off from the PPG field, will land on an intermediate landing field where he will receive the official map of the task. Then he will take off again to begin his course.


Rules :

On the intermediate landing a deck will be materialized, on which

Marshalls will give you the official map of the course. On this map you will find the exact position of the 6 turn points.

Marshall will be able to give you this map only inside this deck.

As early as the pilot lands on the intermediate landing field, the clock start.

The pilot will absolutely have to validate all the turn points in the

order of his choice.  The photo sector is always taken in the direction of the PPG landing with a sector of 90°.

No assistance is allowed (except on the first take off) nor telephone nor radio.

The take off will be made in the order defined the day before and the time between 2 take off will be at least 45 seconds.



Landing out of the deck but in the PPG landing : - 20 %

Out of landing : 0

Assistance : 0

Uncompleted course or bad sector : 0

Time limit to return to the landing : 11.00 AM




1000 x    pilot time

               best pilot time